Pre-Emergent and Post-Emergent Herbicides
The foundation of any vegetation management program begins with an application of pre-emergent herbicides. Pre-emergent herbicides treat the soil, not the existing growth. They must be watered in either by rain or irrigation, therefore they are generally applied during the fall and winter months to maximize the benefits. Once in the soil, the material stops the germination process of annual weed seeds.
Post-emergent herbicides, in combination with the pre-emergent herbicides is required to treat all undesirable weed growth. These applications will provide an almost weed free condition with only a few problem weeds remaining. Post-emergent herbicides can also be applied alone, usually in the spring and early summer months, to existing vegetation. Problematic vegetation may require additional applications at different times of the year.
From large construction sites to vacant lots, our weed abatement program helps the community in fire prevention, home building, and more. Our key equipment will find the way to bring safety in your life.